Directory & Committees

Council 2024 – 2025

Nick Breems (2024-2027)
Mark Christians—Vicar (2023-2026)
Bob DeSmith—Vice-President (2024-2027)
June De Wit (2022-2025)
Chris Goedhart—President (2023-2026)
Brad Hickey (2024-2027)
Cal Jongsma—Clerk (2023-2026)
Joel Kok—Pastor
Shaun Stiemsma (2022-2025)

Pam De Jong—Vicar (2022-2025)
Rob Haan—Secretary (2024-2027)
Dave Kramer (2024-2026)
Lee Mellema—Chair (2023-2026)
Josh Van Schouwen (2023-2026)
Dwight Van Tol (2022-2025)
John Visser—Treasurer (2022-2025)
Val Zonnefeld (2024-2027)

Executive Committee
Chris Goedhart, Cal Jongsma, Pastor Joel Kok,
Bob DeSmith, Lee Mellema, John Visser

Pastoral Group List

The Covenant congregation is divided into six pastoral groups with an Elder and Deacon assigned to each group. The goal of these groups is to carry out the work of pastoral care and to facilitate care and concern within the body by providing a way for members to get to know one another in a smaller group setting, enabling them to minister to and encourage one another.

2024-2025 Pastoral Groups List

Committee Assignments

Committee Member Assignments are available at this link.

Prayer Chain

When a prayer need arises, call the prayer chain coordinator Sara Ploegstra, (church office 722-4465 or at home) or email If there is no answer, please contact your pastor, elder, or deacon. All members will each simultaneously receive the prayer request by e-mail.

Urgent Needs
In a life-and-death situation, contact the prayer chain coordinator and your pastor, elder, or deacon. Then we will initiate a phone prayer chain in addition to emailing the prayer request to the congregation.

Church Committees

Building Committee

The Building Committee is responsible for the physical plant.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Christian Education Committee

The Christian Education Committee helps coordinate fundraising efforts to support Christ-centered education for children from kindergarten through high school graduation.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

College Relations Committee

College Relations Committee organizes welcoming events for college students in the area.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Education Committee

The direction of our church education program is spearheaded by the Education Committee.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Fellowship Committee

The Fellowship Committee is in charge of coordinating fellowship activities for our church family throughout the year.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Food Service Committee

The Food Service Committee is in charge of coordinating refreshments for regular and special occasions.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

GLUE Coordinator

GLUE stands for Giving, Loving, Understanding, Encouraging. The purpose of the GLUE team is to provide long-term support to individuals or families who have unique needs or gifts and thereby provide an avenue for greater participation in the Covenant Church community.

The team is currently providing an individualized church education program for a student who would not otherwise be a part of Covenant’s church education program.

The duties of the coordinator is to find teachers, set up teacher orientation meetings, and order materials as needed.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Helping Hands Coordinator

The Helping Hands Coordinator plans meals for families in Covenant following the birth of a new baby, after a surgery, or during sickness.

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee is in charge of planning the worship services.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Nursery Committee

The Nursery Committee coordinates the nursery schedules, maintains cleanliness standards, and ensures that there are adequate supplies.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee sees to the hiring of church personnel, as well as annual performance reviews.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Prayer Chain Coordinator

The Prayer Chain Coordinator is responsible for sending prayer requests out to the congregation.

If you would like to submit prayer request, please go here. The request will be distributed the next time the church office is staffed.

If the request is urgent, please contact Sara Ploegstra at the church office (722-4465 or or at home, so that the request can be sent immediately.

Service and Missions (SAM) Committee

The SAM Committee coordinates mission efforts, both locally and globally.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Welcoming Committee

The Welcoming Committee pays special attention to making guests and new attendees feel welcomed.

To view the list of committee members, click here.

Worship Committee

The worship committee is responsible for assisting the elders in the oversight of the worship life of Covenant through visioning, planning, and evaluation. They make recommendations to council regarding important trends and any changes in the worship life of the church.

To view the list of committee members, click here.