Leadership at Covenant
The head of the church is Jesus Christ. He is our ultimate authority. We believe that Christ’s authority in the church is mediated by the officebearers.
Our church recognizes four offices: Minister of the Word, Elder, Deacon, and Commissioned Pastor.
Ministers of the Word serve by preaching the Gospel, administering the sacraments (baptism and communion), and, along with the elders, shepherding the congregation in a life of discipleship. Rev. Joel Kok serves our congregation as Minister of the Word.
Elders serve by governing the church, ensuring faithful administration of the sacraments, promoting the life of discipleship of the congregation, and ensuring that matters of the church are conducted in good order.
Deacons serve by stimulating the congregation to lives of service, encouraging us to use our time, our talents, and our treasure in service of one another and in service of the Kingdom of God.
Commissioned pastors serve by meeting the needs of the church in localized capacities.
At Covenant, we celebrate the calling and giftedness of all members, male and female alike, to serve and lead the church.
Council 2024 – 2025
Nick Breems (2024-2027)
Mark Christians—Vicar (2023-2026)
Bob DeSmith—Vice-President (2024-2027)
June De Wit (2022-2025)
Chris Goedhart—President (2023-2026)
Brad Hickey (2024-2027)
Cal Jongsma—Clerk (2023-2026)
Joel Kok—Pastor
Shaun Stiemsma (2022-2025)
Pam De Jong—Vicar (2022-2025)
Mark Horstman (2024-2027)
Dave Kramer (2024-2026)
Lee Mellema—Chair (2023-2026)
Josh Van Schouwen—Secretary (2023-2026)
Dwight Van Tol (2022-2025)
John Visser—Treasurer (2022-2025)
Val Zonnefeld (2024-2027)
Executive Committee
Chris Goedhart, Cal Jongsma, Pastor Joel Kok,
Bob DeSmith, Lee Mellema, John Visser